Sing, Muse: Literary, Theoretical, and Historical Approaches to Music in Classical Antiquity
11th Annual Graduate Student Conference
The Graduate Center, CUNY
April 13, 2018
8:30-9:15 BREAKFAST
9:15 -10:45am PANEL 1: Theoretical Approaches to Ancient Music
9:15-9:45 paper 1: The Doors of Perception: Sound and Hearing in Plato’s Aesthetics
Sinem Derya Kılıç, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
9:45-10:15 paper 2: Musical Microcosms: Physiology and Theology in Gregory of Nyssa
Zachary Domach, Columbia University
10:15-10:45 paper 3: De institutione musica by Boethius and the reception of musical theory of Greek and Roman Authors
Michel Mendes, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
10:45-11:00 BREAK
11:00-12:40 PANEL 2: Literary Approaches to Ancient Music
11:00-11:30 paper 4: ‘I know the tunes of all birds’ (Alkman, fr. 40 PMG). The meaning of birds in Alkman’s poetry.
Maria del Mar Rodriguez Alcocer, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
11:30-12:10 paper 5: Finding the Ode in the 'Ode to Man': accentual responsion as evidence for melodic structure in Soph. Ant. 332-375
Anna Conser, Columbia University
12:10-12:40 paper 6: Fatal Anapests: The Music of Seneca's Phaedra
Dereck Basinger, Washington University in St. Louis
12:40-1:30 pm LUNCH
1:30-3:00 PANEL 3: Historical Approaches to Ancient Music
1:30-2:00 paper 7: Sachmo in Macedon? Euripides’ Macedonian “Exile” Revisited
Dennis R. Alley, Cornell University
2:00-2:30 paper 8: Recovering ancient Greek music in Hellenistic times: ‘Musical History’ between Peripatos and Alexandria.
Ambra Tocco, Università di Genova
2:30-3:00 paper 9: et bene mihi erat eis: The Place of Music in Late Antique Life-Writing
Isabella Grunberger-Kirsh, Brown University
3:00-3:15 BREAK
3:15-4:15 KEYNOTE: ‘Longinus’ on Music and the Sublime
Timothy Power, Rutgers University
4:15-4:30 BREAK
4:30-5:30 Musical Performance and Q&A
Old Songs (Liz Downing, Mark Jickling, Chris Mason)
5:30-6:30 Wine and Cheese Reception